Wednesday 9 October 2013

The left, the right and of course the final front ear.

Star Trek Attack Wing.

I have had a chance to play a couple of games of ST:AW now and it is turning into a really cool game.

Here's a quick batrep of the last game.

The Battle of Galios IV

They say history is written by the winners, so.......

Hopefully I have explained why the Enterprise disregarded protocol whilst engaging the defenceless Klingon ship.

Turn 1/2
First Officer’s Log , Klingon Vessel.
We have discovered a deposit of Dilithium on Galios IV, The Captain is preparing to be  beamed down with an away team  to investigate. 
Federation ship Enterprise has entered scanner range.  The Captain has communicated that we do not engage. 
We are on a scientific mission, also we are out of range 

Captain’s Log, Enterprise, 
(Jean Luc Picard) 
We are on our way to Galios IV. Recent long range scans indicate the presence of large seams of Dilithium. 
We have been tasked with recovering a sample and testing for suitability for mining.  We have made a short unscheduled stop on Alphio 3 to visit commander Ryker. 
The Commander was kind enough to gift me a case of antique Sparsian Ale. I have indulged myself and had a bottle. It is delicious. Ambassador Spock is on board as an observer.

Captain’s Log Romulan Ship
We have arrived at Galios IV. Sensors indicate the presence of two ships in orbit on the other side of the planet. There are a few life signs on the surface near the Dilithium deposits. We remain cloaked. We will consider sending an away team to sample the Dilithium.

Turn 3/4
The klingon captain lowers shields and beams to the surface. The Klingon vessel takes a non aggressive stance to the incoming Enterprise.  

Cut to the Enterpise Bridge........

Picard staggers onto the bridge.....singing.
“Show me the way to go hooooome...... “
“Sir. We have the Klingon ship in range. They appear to have their shields down. They have no weapon locks on us Sir”
Picard – “Filthy Klingon Bashstardsh!   Ensign. Fire all photon torpedos.”
Ensign – “!! But Sir, Protocol dictates we at least hail the vessel. They have shown us no threat”
Picard – “I don’t give a sh*t about protocol sonny. I am the captain of this ship. Fire the f*cking torpedoesh”
Ensign – “Yes....Sir” 
Five torpedos later the Klingon is severely damaged. It prepares to return fire when there’s a flash of blinding light and a timey wimey anomaly kicks us back 5 minutes into the past. 

Enterprise is closing on the Klingon ship. 
Picard – “Filthy Klingon Bashstardsh! Ensign. Fire all photon torpedos.”
Ensign – “!! But Sir, Protocol dictates we at least hail the vessel. They have shown us no threat. Their shields are down!”
Picard – “I don’t give a sh*t about protocol sonny. I am the captain of this ship. Fire the f*cking torpedoesh”
Ensign – “But Sir, I can’t. The Klingons are at Range 1 and the torpedos upgrade card states they can only be fired at range 2-3.”
Picard – “WTF are you talking about.  Just fire some f*cking weapon at those swarthy bastardsh”
3 phaser dice +1 for close range, later and the Klingon ship is no more.
Picard screams “Booooooooooom!” at the top of his voice, and tries to hi five the Ensign before slumping unconscious into the Captain’s chair.

Turn 3,4
Enterprise Ambassador Spocks Personal Log.
Picard has gotten drunk on what turns out to be Sparsian Whisky, and not Sparsian Ale as he thought. He has destroyed a Klingon Ship in his stupor. He is now threatening the crew on the bridge with the broken bottle. We are going to beam him to the planet surface with the away team for some “fresh air” Mr La Forge will lead the team and has requested I take charge of the ship. I fear the peace treaty with the Klingons will not survive this incident.

Klingon Captains log Surface of Galios IV – 
It is now 3 days since we lost communications with the ship. If I have to eat another Galian swamp beetle I am going to scream.

The Romulans continue their sightseeing tour of the orbit of Galios IV. They start a long slow turn away from the planet when Enterprise rounds the planet.  They make a target lock on the Enterprise.

“Mr Spock the scanners indicate the possible signature of a Romulan Warship. “
“Fire a shot where you think they may be as a warning”
“Yes Sir”
Phaser attack misses.

The Romulans slam their ship into reverse causing great stress on the hull. Having deployed their sensor echo they manage to manoeuvre, fully cloaked about 10 feet directly in front of the Enterprise.
All weapons are unleashed. With Romulan bonuses, close range bonus, and the target lock re-rolls it is not pretty. Enterprise takes a battering losing all shields and a hull point and a critical hit which disables their photon torpedos..
Return fire from Enterprise misses.
Having gathered the required dilithium samples the Enterprise away team is beamed back on board and they turn and head for home.
The Romulans  are hot on their tail.

Final Turn.
Enterprise Ambassador Spocks Personal Log - 
Sigh. Picard is back on board. The fresh air has not helped his condition. He is currently standing, naked, in front of the aft view screen screaming “Come at me Bro!!” at the Romulan ship. The Enterprise is severely damaged. The latest Romulan attack has reduced us to a single hull point and we have a negative penalty to our defence dice. ( reduced to zero .)  I have decided to take a dodge token as our action this turn. In a stroke of luck Picard uses his free action to throw his empty bottle at the console. It seems to have cancelled the critical hit damage. ( -1 dice penalty.) Our lack of rear-firing weapons will be the end of us.

Romulan Bridge......
“Target is in range Ma’am.”
“Finish Them”

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