This week’s mission was pincer.
William H Harkin’s forces were allegedly defending some Russian farmhouses just outside of Cassino.
German forces were trying to recapture a small command bunker to the north of their current position.
USP1 Weapons support platoon led by the ever reliable Fatty Atkins took position at the edge of the forest in the north.
USP2 Sgt. J.J. Anderson and his 6 x Bases of Riflemen dug in round the eastern farmhouse
USP3 Sgt. Frank Basilone's 9 x Riflemen were in reserve.
Von Wurstsaugers entire force was deployed from the start
GP1 – Wunderbar platoon led by Unteroffizier David von Hasslehoffen ( 6 x Mortars) deployed centrally
GP2 – Unteroffizier Otto Flick 6 x Rifle/MG Teams deployed in the eastern forest
GP3 – Unteroffizier mikkel nicht 4 x Rifle/MG Teams deployed in the fields to the west.

GP1 The German mortars stayed in their dug in positions. GP2 and GP3 both advanced down their respective flanks. Staying safely out of range of the American guns. Wunderbar platoon sent a bombardment in the direction of USP2. A lucky 6 then a 6 took out a team of riflemen and pinned them down. (woohoo)
In a tactical move that was completely 100% deliberate, the German commander decided to forget about the US reserves.
So despite the fact the US commander had left home without the shonky edge balancing magnetic dice of death, he rolled a 6 for reserves. And onto the table they came. Right in front of the "safely out of range of the American guns" German platoon. (GP3)

A quick volley of pew-pew from the Yanks, A quick volley of crappy save rolling from the Jerries and nearly half the GP3 platoon (2 teams) were off to meet their maker. :-(
Colonel Harkin had obviously decided to wear his cowboy hat and boots to work today. He let out a huge "YEEEEEEEHAAAAAAA" shot his pistol into the air and urged his men to charge forward (in a defensive manner).
USP2 obviously confused at this new form of defending hurtled towards the German lines, before their NCO remembered that they were supposed to be pinned down from the previous round of mortar fire. Holding their two thumbs up at the bewildered German infantrymen they shouted "Keys up. Don't shoot. Sorry. Forgot we were pinned" before retreating sheepishly to their original positions.
GP3 in the west took some cover behind one of the farmhouses and braced for further American defending.
GP2 in the West advanced a little closer to the US line
The Wunderbar boys sent another bombardment towards the American lines to no avail.
USP3 were not messing about and stormed well into the German half. They let off a shot which hit the post and went wide for a goal kick... oops sorry wrong report :-)

USP3 stormed forward preparing for assault. This time they came under heavy German defensive fire. (5 hits) The US took casualties (2 teams) and fell back their assault failing.
USP2 Exchanged fire with GP2 the result being (I think) a single german casualty.
The Wunderbar Mortar Boys decided three weeks of inaction was enough. Spurred on by their new CO Von Hasslehoffen, his uniform open to the waist, they moved forward to support the GP3 platoon in the west.Unfortunately the USP3 troops managed to take cover in time making all their saving rolls.

Surviving a hail of defensive fire they manage to get their assault off killing two US teams.
GP2 advanced further up the eastern flank firing at the USP2 without any significant result.
Having suffered in the assault USP3 decided to regroup by going to ground and trying to dig in which was successful
USP2 shot some more at GP2 kiling 1 team.
USP1 Fatty's boys launched a bombardment killing no one.
GP3 stayed indoors in the farmhouse shooting out at USP3 (no casualties)
Hasslehoffens Mortars bombarded the USP2 position again no casualties.

GP2 advanced into an assualting position coming under heavy defensive fire (11 dice) it was enough to stop the assault and push GP2 back.
USP2 launched everything they had at the retreating GP2 killing everything but the platoon commander, who passed his motivation test. :-)
At this point we had to end the game for reasons.
It was declared an allied victory for purposes of the campaign.
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